
View definitions for stay put

stay put

verb as in adhere

verb as in stand pat

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Partly because he can't stay put, Palmer is among the best conditioned of major leaguers.

Under the harsh sun and roaring sand of the wild Namib Desert, even the most intrepid find it impossible to stay put.

But he decided to stay put and create a haven for secularists in his hostile hometown.

They were taken over to a Disney firehouse and told to stay put.

Lee also touted a "wicked second season of Nashville," which will stay put at 10 p.m. on Wednesdays.

If the plantation didn't produce, though, you can bet Bull McGinty wouldn't stay put.

Yes, and everything is all fixed up for company, even if it doesnt exactly stay put with all of us.

You'll stay put, until we see if we can ship you out with the construction boys to the Calgary side.

"All right, buster," the man said contemptuously, apparently deciding that Orsino would stay put.

I've been moving round considerable all my life long and now I expect I'll just stay put.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


