

View definitions for perch


noun as in object placed high for sitting on

verb as in sit atop of

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As the water rises, it sweeps away anything that wasn’t able to get such a safe and sturdy perch.

Hong Kong has long occupied an enviable perch as a bridge between markets in China and the West.

From Fortune

From our human perch we marvel at what we think a plant’s life consists of—growing.

One of America’s most prominent business journalists for his perch at the New York Times and CNBC’s Squawk Box, Sorkin says the essential workers who are getting the country through the crisis are a stark reminder of who we all rely on.

From Ozy

The salmon, perch, and taco salad are all excellent plus it is very LGBTQ friendly.

Often Mick would perch on those back stairs, perusing art books as he waited for her.

I crossed the room with my rifle up, stood on top of the bed, and from my perch looked down at bin Laden.

Luckily for Goodell, he'll have plenty of money if he were to be forced off the commissioner's perch.

Jack Welch, who took over General Electric in 1981, left his perch in 2001, not long after he turned 65.

Day after day, Lou sat on the Yankee bench, a perch that increasingly represented his security.

Mr. Crow was rocking back and forth on his perch, for a joke—on anybody except himself—always delighted him.

I think the coulée right under his perch is an arm of the one we're in; runs in somewhere below.

Mebby I'll perch on top o' the court-house, too, fer a spell, an' take a leetle fly out by the Injun school.

Dorothy descended from her lofty perch on the stool, and met the red gleaming eyes of Pincher intently watching all her movements.

Isabel gratefully climbed to his high perch, after stating that she had no money, and being royally silenced.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


