sort out
verb as in analyze
verb as in debug
Strongest match
verb as in disentangle
verb as in distinguish
Strongest matches
Strong matches
verb as in hammer out
verb as in individualize
Strong matches
verb as in iron out
verb as in order
Strong matches
verb as in pick
verb as in ratiocinate
Strong matches
verb as in right
Strong matches
verb as in select
verb as in study
verb as in think
Strongest matches
Strong matches
verb as in weigh
Example Sentences
Court cases are flawed devices to sort out and solve such important social problems.
Without more details, it is impossible to sort out the sequence of events.
Rudder seems content to play the record keeper and let the philosophers sort out the sigificance.
But the people of Iraq were strong-willed, a great people, and he trusted them to sort out their affairs.
So the administration sweeps problems under a rug, in the hopes that they can sort out the mess later.
So much had happened so quickly during the past hour that Dalgard had no chance to plan or even sort out impressions in his mind.
Here you will have quite some writing to do, and bills to sort out.
First they began to sort out the things to be kept for immediate use.
Mina was trying to sort out the state of things which would result.
She obeyed and Leslie kneeling on the floor began to sort out the rags.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.