noun as in injury, loss
Strongest matches
accident, blow, bruise, casualty, catastrophe, contamination, corruption, destruction, deterioration, devastation, disturbance, hardship, harm, illness, impairment, pollution, suffering, wound
Strong matches
adulteration, adversity, affliction, bane, blemish, breakage, cave-in, debasement, depreciation, deprivation, detriment, disservice, evil, hurt, infliction, knockout, marring, mischief, mishap, mutilation, outrage, reverse, ruin, ruining, spoilage, waste, wreckage, wrecking, wrong
verb as in cause injury, loss
Strongest matches
batter, break, burn, contaminate, harm, hurt, impair, infect, injure, maim, mangle, mar, pollute, ravage, ruin, scorch, smash, tarnish, tear, undermine, weaken, wound, wreck
Strong matches
abuse, bleach, blight, corrode, corrupt, crack, deface, defile, dirty, discolor, disfigure, disintegrate, dismantle, fade, gnaw, incapacitate, lacerate, maltreat, mutilate, rot, rust, scathe, scratch, split, spoil, stab, stain, vitiate, wrong
Weak matches
Example Sentences
The company says it can scan an entire vehicle for damage using a smartphone camera in around 60 seconds, calculating cost of repair on the fly.
Violations have prompted other citizen group lawsuits like the one against Bluestone and scientific studies that warned of stream damage from the selenium discharged by mining operations.
Each one did billions of dollars of damage to buildings, roads and other property.
To take just one example, the devastating Wine Country Fires in October 2017 did more than $9 billion worth of damage in a single month.
WeatherCheck, cofounded by Y Combinator graduates Demetrius Gray and Jermaine Watkins, identifies weather-related property damage so that homeowners can file claims with their insurers.
“At the moment there are no signs of damage,” Marino told The Daily Beast.
If the operation caused no physical damage, it would be in bounds.
That means any response that could result in physical damage inside North Korea is off the table.
We could theoretically cause a lot of damage should we take that route.
The building had to be rebuilt in 1963 after extensive damage from the Second World War was finally deemed irreparable.
The “Compañia General de Tabacos” lost about ₱30,000 in cash in addition to the damage done to their offices and property.
Never grasp a Fern plant from above and try to pull it away, as this will be almost sure to result in damage.
Great care is necessary when removing the Ferns to do as little damage as possible to the roots.
If mistakes are made they happen rarely and the resources of the accepting houses are easily able to repair the damage.
Tornadoes occurred in Alabama, Missouri and Illinois, accompanied with extensive damage to property.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.