noun as in abuse; wrong application
Example Sentences
Now, the program’s biggest lender is investigating some of its own employees for aiding misuse of funds by customers.
The risk of illegal actions and misuse of the government funds has been top of mind for government watchdogs, government officials, and the media since the program’s rollout in early April.
The industry is expanding, and it should expand on the basis of the proper framework to regulate misuse.
It’s not a classic case of human rights abuse by a company, because we don’t operate the systems—we’re not involved in actual operations of the systems—but we understand there is a real risk of misuse from the customers.
The systems’ capabilities—as well as potential for misuse and abuse—will continue to grow by leaps and bounds.
Danczuk and fellow Labour MP Tom Watson have been demanding action to shine a light on allegations of the misuse of power.
In other words, make fireworks less available for home misuse and develop an ever tougher crackdown on drunk drivers.
The misuse of conscience exemptions is threatening our hard-won plurality.
Zohydro is especially worrying because it contains no mechanism to deter misuse by snorting or injecting.
The misuse of Sandy funds is not only morally indefensible but potentially criminal.
Then you are a very bad trustee, thus to misuse the foot-way, and interrupt passengers.
Even waste and misuse are regulated by education and experience where there is even a modicum of intelligence.
Aristotle and Plato laboured under a continual embarrassment from this misuse of terms.
Misuse of a neural power machine, for one—and the domination and enslavement of a less advanced intelligent culture for another.
Since the Government has taken full charge of its forest domain, this misuse has stopped.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.