noun as in crime
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Back in March, Democratic legislators raised the possibility of impeaching Cuomo for his misdeeds, and several reiterated their support for impeachment on Tuesday.
That means a close examination of January 6th was always going to be a close examination of the failures and misdeeds of one partisan side.
Stepp took pictures of himself with Jenkins — at casinos, at the Super Bowl, at restaurants — but also of their misdeeds.
Those who lived through describe scenes of madness—along with misdeeds, con-men ruining honest, simpler folk.
Just how serious these misdeeds are is being examined by a parliamentary inquiry in Brazil’s Senate.
Next morning when he was sober, the clergy brought to his mind the misdeed he had committed the day before.
He was not devoid of good instincts; for he could repent of a misdeed or unkindness, and, after repeating it, repent again.
A misdeed is committed by a black man; instantly this element of the white race becomes a crowd.
A great misdeed hast thou committed, thy death-feast thou hast prepared.
But I was in a manner stupefied by this turning up of my old misdeed and old acquaintance, and could think of nothing else.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.