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She, and the men with her, then taunt the congresswoman’s staff through a mail slot and defile her guest book, all while mocking Ocasio-Cortez.

Rhodes’ performance suggests that Fletcher, so convinced he was doing the right thing for the sake of his country, actually defiled everything his nation stands for by betraying Holiday.

From Time

His family disowned him and his wife wouldn’t sleep with him because he was “defiled” by corpses.

The building is like one grand water closet — every hole and corner is defiled.

Meanwhile, windows were being broken, room trashed, historic spaces defiled.

Smoking, the statement suggests, will direct their actions, defile their bodies and “cost them” a great deal.

Ripperda's equipage wound down a long and twisting defile between two precipitous rocks.

We spurred across the plain to the mouth of a deep, wooded defile, through which the Prussian grand corps d'armée were advancing.

The ridge was broken by a notch, and the road crawled through the opening and into the defile.

Firing at point-blank range, struggling bayonet against bayonet, the small French force worked its way towards the defile.

And I will give it into the hands of strangers for spoil, and to the wicked of the earth for a prey, and they shall defile it.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


