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Earlier this week, Autodesk announced its purchase of Spacemaker, a Norwegian firm that develops AI-supported software for urban development.

The firm did not immediately respond to request for comment.

After pushback from Facebook and other firms, however, Apple delayed implementation of the new policy and launched iOS 14 in September without enabling it.

Matthew Erasquin, a founding partner of the firm Consumer Litigation Associates, is charged in Alexandria federal court with sex trafficking six minors.

Morash suggests cutting a small crosshatch into the trimmed ends before steaming or blanching so that their firm cores cook more quickly.

This is, more or less, the position of political conservatives, who have come down firmly on the side of the fracking industry.

An older and firmly round fellow with a trim beard leaned his head back and fought off tears.

“Hollywood dilutes material to a level I have no interest in, or intention following,” Wiseman says firmly.

“I firmly and wholeheartedly reject the allegations,” Hawking said from a Cambridge Hospital.

I moved to Washington in 1988 with the folk etymology of lobbyist firmly in mind.

The cigar stump held firmly between his teeth, he stood on the rug before the hearth, facing the door.

It was locked there so firmly that a score of men had to labor for hours next day ere it could be cleared.

There was an opinion in some quarters that we had done all we could, but I resolved firmly to make one more attempt.

The fibre can be separated with great facility, though firmly attached at one end to the parent rock.

His strong hands would firmly retain whatever they wished to hold.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


