verb as in fritter away, use up
Example Sentences
Fans, pundits, and even players themselves regularly squander the chance to discuss race in meaningful ways.
Yet abandoning the push for equality now would squander a rare opportunity.
“I watched the government squander a ridiculous amount of money on technology,” he says.
We need to tell our politicians to not squander our heritage.
On the other hand, if we let fear carry the day, we will squander another key moment to move forward together.
Arbitrary so far as doing the right thing as trustee went, not suffering me, or any one else, to squander a shilling.
But a belligerent should not squander on diversions strength which might be employed in the main conflict.
Then he pointed to the beautifully worked manta, “Did she squander wealth of hers on that?”
Time is a divine inheritance that no man has a right to squander.
He is not content to squander his immense wealth in race-horses and champagne.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.