throw away
verb as in dispose of
Example Sentences
Would a state with a keen understanding of the power of propaganda be so willing to just throw away such a trove of information?
“In El Paso, the policy is to lock everybody up and throw away the key,” he says.
“When I chase people in New York, they throw away their guns,” he said.
Did a few bad Republican candidates throw away winnable seats?
“You have to throw away this definition of what democracy is supposed to be,” Voranai tells me.
If you throw away this chance, you will both richly deserve to be hanged, as I sincerely trust you will be.
In bringing them back, Lawrence noticed one of the prisoners stealthily throw away some papers.
You don't want to throw away the next ten years on a losing game, and then, tired out, arrive nowhere.
Then throw away the bees and lay the stings gently but firmly on a mash composed of the breasts of five Buff Orpington cockerels.
Whereby Hotham perceives that it is as good to throw away the bellows, and consider the matter extinct.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.