

View definitions for deplete


verb as in consume, exhaust supply

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For all I knew, they endured similar privation every summer, but it was hard not to suppose that the coronavirus-induced human exodus from the city had depleted their food supply.

He was forced to scramble from the pocket regularly while playing behind a patchwork, injury-depleted offensive line and managed only 67 first-half passing yards.

In a second test launch from Kodiak, Alaska, in December, Astra’s rocket failed to reach Earth’s orbit after the upper stage engine depleted its fuel seconds too early, preventing the vehicle from reaching orbit velocity.

We are depleted, perhaps from making so many decisions about so many things with so much to lose if we misstep.

The story takes place in a futuristic world where resources are depleted and a crew of scientists must journey to the moon to get their hands on samples from an abandoned facility.

From Time

And now, the plan is not only to decimate public-sector unions, but all unions—to deplete the money they can spend on politics.

However, things like stress, illness, and environmental pollution all deplete your levels.

I would deplete the government—forage, as it were, on the enemy—thereby to fatten my purse.

They affirm that to lower all rates to this "compelled" competitive level, would deplete their revenues and lead to bankruptcy.

If she sends them into port she must deplete her engine-room complement and thereby gravely impair her own efficiency.

Because to over-tire an immature faculty is to deplete its vital resources of development.

The sooner they can deplete the national treasury, the sooner can they become masters of the situation.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


