verb as in examine closely
Strongest matches
analyze, check, check out, comb, consider, dissect, explore, inspect, investigate, look over, peruse, pore over, probe, scan, sift, watch, weigh
Example Sentences
The UK Law Commission, an academic body that reviews laws and recommends reforms when needed, is currently scrutinizing those related to online abuse.
Christo Wilson at Northeastern had scrutinized algorithms before, including those that drive Uber’s surge pricing and Google’s search engine.
In June, squirrels began crossing my path, leading me to scrutinize them for the first time.
This is the end point we should be scrutinizing with other vaccine candidates.
That would be the same Congress that’s now planning to hold hearings in both the House and Senate that will scrutinize the actions of Robinhood and other online trading platforms in light of GameStop’s wild stock surge.
The NCAA likes to scrutinize and monitor their chattel in the event that money flows their way from outside jobs.
She lost her actual sight at the moment she was ready to scrutinize herself.
Voters in New Hampshire historically make their decisions late, and intensely scrutinize candidates.
Admissions officials scrutinize kids' behavior during on-campus play groups.
There is little sign that Beijing has the appetite to scrutinize its own policy errors, though some in China have pointed the way.
She sat down, to scrutinize the better this strange intruder.
They let no statement pass without examination, and they scrutinize facts closely and seek for causes.
When we know that an estate belongs to us, we are likely to scrutinize every part of it closely.
Breakfast passed off most charmingly without a word said by any one; and he walked round to the khan to scrutinize some figs.
To scrutinize all legislative action touching national defense.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.