verb as in analyze, test
Strongest matches
audit, check, check out, consider, criticize, delve into, explore, inspect, investigate, ponder, pore over, probe, read, research, review, scan, screen, scrutinize, study, survey, try, vet, view
Strong matches
appraise, assay, canvass, case, eye, finger, frisk, gun, inquire, parse, peruse, prospect, prove, reconnoiter, sift, sweep, weigh, winnow
Weak matches
chew over, dig into, go into, go over, go through, look over, pat down, pick at, scope, scrutinate, search into, size up, take stock of, turn over
verb as in ask questions pointedly
Strong matches
catechize, experiment, grill, inquire, interrogate, judge, pump, query, quiz, weigh
Weak matches
cross-examine, give the third, give the third degree, put through the wringer, try out
Example Sentences
Taking him at his word that he wants to help, it’s worth examining how his donations could have the biggest and most equitable impact.
A new biweekly podcast called Sex Outside, which launched February 11, examines how outdoor pursuits, sex, gender, and bodies flow into each other.
The first, released last fall, examined the risk of disease transmission aboard aircraft.
Let’s examine each of these winter weather possibilities and also look back at how much snow fell from the first wave on Wednesday night.
The onus is on the player to carefully examine surroundings to figure out where to go and what to do next.
It is also the first study to thoroughly examine emergency department use for post-abortion care.
Any institution striving to examine such an iconic figure would find formidable challenges.
It is simply that we have failed to understand and examine the factors that are putting young gay men at risk.
It was a strangely shaped block, due to the area once being underwater, and he took it home with him to examine closer.
Gillespie had forensic-imaging experts examine photos taken of the plane and its patched-over window at the Miami airport.
Monsieur le Maire,” said he, “I should like to examine the premises, and beg that you will have the kindness to accompany me.
I have not done this before as I had not sufficient leisure to examine them, or do so in the interval allowed by the season.
On nearing the spot, Tom stopped a few moments, and bent down to examine a beautiful flower.
The farmer stooped down, and raised the shabby bonnet from the face of the woman to examine her more carefully.
When cool, replace the acid with water, and examine for hemin crystals with two-thirds and one-sixth objectives.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.