
View definitions for range


noun as in order, series

verb as in extend; change within limits

Strong match

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Visitors can check in to centres of UrbanKisaan in Hyderabad and Bangalore and buy a range of vegetables.

Unlike macro-influencer, micro-influencers have a smaller reach in the range of 1,000-10,000 followers.

Civis Analytics, a top Democratic polling firm, tested a wide range of reform ideas complete with partisan framing to try to determine those popular enough to move forward on.

From Vox

So the total costs could range from hundreds of millions of dollars to well above a billion per year.

It ranges everything from facial information, biometric characteristics, voice data, even down to the way that people walk and all of this information is, being poured into a vast database—which was also set up under the decree.

The email appears to have been a relatively common attempt to gain personal information from a wide range of unwitting victims.

They just reflect the range of breeds that were used to create the Heck cattle in the first instance.

The Eighty-ninth Congress was potentially more fertile ground for the broad range of controversial programs on his dream agenda.

Bottom line is that it will only be a BVR [beyond visual range] airplane.

That means the F-35 will be almost entirely reliant on long-range air-to-air missiles.

It is the experience of such that the voice may be extended in its range in both directions at once.

It is ordinarily considered that the range of the speaking voice is very limited as compared with the singer's range.

And could it not be extended from its present limited range until it reached practically the whole adolescent community?

Pitch corresponds to the range of the voice, and expresses affection or attraction.

That, and a range war that grew out of the killing, and some kind of a business deal just about broke them.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


