tell apart
verb as in differentiate
verb as in discriminate
verb as in distinguish
Strongest matches
Strong matches
verb as in individualize
Strong matches
Example Sentences
Both books feature characters that are maddeningly difficult to tell apart.
Life is not Hollywood,” intones the narrator, “and the good guys and bad guys are hard to tell apart.
This is the work of some six or seven writers, whose hands are sometimes hard to tell apart.
There were forty scholars: squirmy, grimy little things that I found it hard to tell apart at first.
Far, far above us the monster mountains nuzzled among the clouds till cloud and mountain were hard to tell apart.
All three were well over six feet, and Hjalmar stood head and shoulders over his brothers, whom I never learned to tell apart.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.