verb as in decorate, supply
Example Sentences
One seemed particularly promising, by a trail with a big pile of natural brush to furnish a screen.
To help furnish the whole department with body cams, go here.
Having created a picture of Hell, the Tea Party priesthood must furnish the faithful with an image of Paradise.
When he returned, Doug said, they would furnish it together.
Husks of homes, some of them choked in jungular vines, furnish a tropical Pompeii for viewers on the disaster bus tours.
Quantitative estimation does not furnish much of definite clinical value.
Probably his Private Secretary, considering you a new man, will have failed to furnish the necessary information.
Another fence: who would furnish that two hundred and fifty dollars and secure him for the remainder?
There are many cases like this in which one's common sense fails to furnish a correct, yet needful guide.
Nor is this the full extent of their misfortunes; for they are required to furnish an account of them besides.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.