noun as in person who prepares food
Weak matches
verb as in prepare food, usually using heat
Example Sentences
Jennifer follows her passions and takes us readers and cooks to places we might not go to if she didn't lead us there.
Mirsani’s sister, Ilhama Safarova, was among the contributing cooks.
Colleagues have become very patient about me cooking while on calls with them, and my boss always politely offers to call back at a more convenient time when met with the boys chanting “go away, go away” at him.
Portland’s Lex Grant has cooked in the NBA bubble and for Oprah Winfrey.
Some people find it helpful to label things with the date they were purchased or cooked.
Cook, stirring often, for 10 minutes or until the sugar is completely dissolved and the mixture is smooth.
Continue to cook until the sauce has reduced by three quarters.
In his response, Cook spoke sensitively about the very real danger present in the general pickup community.
“It's insane to see what the extreme version of that type of helpless anger combined with mental illness can create,” Cook wrote.
An older white woman, stopped Cook to ask, in strong New York accent, “Oh no, did they let him off?”
She did not need a great cook-book; She knew how much and what it took To make things good and sweet and light.
The camp grew still, except for the rough and ready cook pottering about the fire, boiling buffalo-meat and mixing biscuit-dough.
It is to be feared that like the sauce of sauces in the hands of the inexperienced cook, the result is more than doubtful.
The voice of duty called her to the kitchen, where her cook patiently awaited her inevitable, and always painful, audience.
They stood outside the window and the cook passed them their coffee and a roll, which they drank and ate from the window-sill.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.