verb as in correct, edit
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Considering Beyonce was just named the most powerful celebrity in the world, Watters may want to revise his definition.
Obeidi explained that Gordon truly did revise the script in many—not all—places flagged by MPAC.
Pakistan needs to revisit, revise and improve its foreign relations to ask for support if needed.
To revise, as they do, the landay tradition, once the sole purview of man, is to risk death.
The Senate voted on Thursday to revise its rules governing filibusters.
A convention of delegates to revise the constitution of New York met at Albany.
But my limited experience of the Mahajan of Champaran has made me revise the accepted opinion about his 'blighting influence.'
He had great faith in the opinions of his little helper, and was always ready to revise his own judgment if hers contradicted it.
The results will surprise them, and they will quickly be forced to revise their methods of treating illness.
The London publishers of the Yankee were keenly anxious to revise the text for their English readers.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.