Example Sentences
Goody, 29, and her husband, Bobby Hawkes, 28, a self-employed remodeling contractor, soon had covid-19, too.
Lutèce, a mere 33 seats, has been remodeled to include an open kitchen and custom-made mirrors.
About 1,000 people showed up to their house, which had been specifically remodeled to accommodate large dances.
We remodeled our kitchen recently, and now I can't find the recipe.
Say a real estate investor produces a video series on how they remodel homes.
In exchange for $200,000 in a furniture remodel, Lohan was supposed to film a big reveal moment, but allegedly refused.
“I vowed to be less impulsive about my decisions to remodel our home,” Andy, 41, says.
We should remodel the Government, and teach the sans culottes the hazard of trying the trade of politicians.
Isabel's brain seemed to eliminate every thought it had ever possessed and hurriedly to remodel down to one agonizing point.
Richardson taught Germany to remodel her theories of heroism, her whole system of admirations, her conception of deserts.
The mask was recognised; the man who wore it was expected to remodel it upon himself.
But we wish to destroy what he has left untouched, or would remodel it, would modernize it.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.