Example Sentences
UC Berkeley archaeologist Rosemary Joyce, who revolutionized the field with her work on gender in early societies, argues that we can’t be sure female figurines would have been regarded as representing women as a group.
They did not score a touchdown for the first time since Mahomes and Coach Andy Reid joined forces and revolutionized NFL offense.
You’ll hear how industry titans like Henry Heinz, Milton Hershey and Ray Kroc revolutionized American food and transformed American life and culture in the process.
These companies have revolutionized appliance engineering, leading to high-end products that promise precision.
The use of AI in vaccine development may revolutionize the way all vaccines are created in the future.
But a project out of Stanford University is hoping to grant Turkers agency—and might begin to revolutionize the industry.
“I think this will revolutionize the brand,” Averyl Oates, the fashion director at Galeries Lafayette in Paris, also said.
It's been over half a century since Shirley Temple rose to fame and helped revolutionize protections for child actors.
He would rise to become Deputy Commissioner of the NYPD, and revolutionize crime fighting along the way.
Now, scientists hope that robots can revolutionize the study of animal migrations.
It is the men who propound agitating ideas and who revolutionize the character of nations, that are persecuted.
But speaking of elevators, we are going to revolutionize all that.
Evidently he did not revolutionize to any very great extent.
Such were the truths which Mohammed, with preternatural earnestness, now declared,--doctrines which would revolutionize Arabia.
This woman had discovered, and almost created, a new world of science and culture which was to revolutionize life.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.