noun as in timekeeping device
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Weak matches
Example Sentences
The body clock shifts, making it easier to stay up late and harder to wake early.
This clock can distinguish between different colors of light.
In the future, even more precise atomic clocks could provide further information about what makes the universe tick.
They had bedrooms next to the rooms where their animals were being deprived so they could monitor around the clock.
So the merchants of bad, as we call them, are just going at us around the clock trying to sell us their wares.
France 24 is providing live, round-the-clock coverage of both scenes as they progress.
The wine cellar—one of the best in the world—survived World War II and is guarded around the clock.
They thrive on packed schedules, they say, and take pleasure in working around the clock.
He becomes increasingly paranoid by the societal fixtures around him—a ticking clock, a ringing phone.
Bill Haley had kicked rock off with “Rock Around the Clock,” but Elvis Presley made it an international phenomenon.
The night wore on, and the clock downstairs was striking the hour of two when she suddenly awakened.
The clock struck ten, and clerks poured in faster than ever, each one in a greater perspiration than his predecessor.
As it came near, it proved to be the clock, with a sail hoisted, and the Goblin sitting complacently in the stern.
A clock was put above the spot where the fountain stood, in April, 1852, which cost £60.
The tower has four clock faces, pinnacles at the angles, and a steep slate roof and is 120 feet high.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.