noun as in outbreak of precipitation and wind
noun as in commotion, turmoil
Strongest matches
attack, barrage, bomb, bombardment, burst, disturbance, onslaught, outbreak, upheaval, violence
Strong matches
agitation, anger, annoyance, assault, blitz, blitzkrieg, bluster, broadside, cannonade, clamor, clatter, convulsion, drumfire, furor, fury, fusillade, hassle, hysteria, offensive, onset, outburst, outcry, passion, perturbation, pother, rabidity, racket, rage, roar, row, ruction, rumpus, rush, salvo, stir, strife, temper, tumult, volley
Weak match
Example Sentences
Some of the most damaging storms to hit North America bear these names.
Five days after those lightning storms set California on fire, the flames reached his home in the Santa Cruz Mountains and burned it to ashes.
Hurricane season stretches into November, which means we have at least another month and of storms.
Although both of these storms should turn north well short of the continental United States, there is some concern about Paulette reaching Bermuda as a Category 1 hurricane by early next week.
Meanwhile, most teachers, students, and parents are essentially waiting for the storm to pass.
The Perfect Storm writer talks combat brotherhood and the threat posed by growing wealth inequality.
The fear that Pascal might weather the storm has Du Vernay, Oprah Winfrey, and other Hollywood elites pulling their punches.
Random House is also covering the legal fees of an innocent man called Barry who was caught up in the storm.
But so many years later, I still get a tense feeling in my stomach when I see a strong storm approaching.
Rather than storm the hospital, Tyreese says, the group should take a couple of cops hostage then set up a trade with Dawn.
A wise man hateth not the commandments and justices, and he shall not be dashed in pieces as a ship in a storm.
This treacherous sort of calm, we thought, might forbode a storm, and we did not allow it to lull us into security.
It was depressing to think of going to bed in such circumstances with the yelling of an Arctic storm for a lullaby.
The storm, however, was over; the moon and stars were shining in a clear sky, and the aurora was dancing merrily.
While the fortress was undermining at home, they were not idle, who were preparing to storm it from abroad.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.