noun as in anger, wrath
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The American people are perfectly capable of judging the policies that affect their lives and conveying the fury they would feel toward politicians who would threaten them.
It is easy to imagine a Republican Party that tips deeper into ethnonationalist grievance and social traditionalism in the coming years and builds a fuller agenda through which to express its furies.
It poses a unique opportunity for bad actors to inject misinformation into the situation and for fury and frustration to build.
As he has throughout the course of his political career, he doubled down and struck back at his opponents with equal if not greater fury.
It’s impossible to attribute the fury of any one storm to climate change, but scientists have observed a statistically significant link between warmer waters and hurricane intensity.
And black fury toward cops today is fueled by historic economic disparities and by the economic disaster of the past decade plus.
From righteous fury to faux indignation, everything we got mad about in 2014—and how outrage has taken over our lives.
The song is about rage and fury and passion, and I had a lot of pain that I wanted to release.
Head mistress Jean Harris is the ultimate proof of “Hell Hath No Fury like a Woman Scorned.”
Photos: Fury at the Ferguson Decision The fight for a fair justice system has gone far beyond Ferguson.
The attack was commenced by the allies under Blucher upon the French centre, with a fury irresistible.
Meanwhile the cabal against the ruined Ripperda raged with redoubled fury in the Spanish cabinet.
It burst upon them ere long with awful fury and grandeur, the elements warring with incredible vehemence.
That struck the people in wrath with an incurable wound, that brought nations under in fury, that persecuted in a cruel manner.
Because in far distant times he saved the life of a Chinaman from the fury of a crocodile.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.