ill temper
noun as in acerbity
Strong matches
noun as in anger
Strongest matches
Strong matches
noun as in irateness
Weak matches
- acrimony
- animosity
- annoyance
- antagonism
- cat fit
- chagrin
- choler
- conniption
- dander
- disapprobation
- displeasure
- distemper
- enmity
- exasperation
- fury
- gall
- hatred
- hissy fit
- huff
- ill humor
- impatience
- indignation
- infuriation
- irascibility
- ire
- irritability
- irritation
- mad
- miff
- outrage
- passion
- peevishness
- petulance
- pique
- rage
- rankling
- resentment
- slow burn
- soreness
- stew
- storm
- tantrum
- temper
- tiff
- umbrage
- vexation
- violence
noun as in meanness
Strong matches
Example Sentences
Does she think that I would sell myself to age, ill-temper and ugliness, for all the money in the Bank of England?
Tears dropped fast on her knitting-work; but when Tom woke up, she spoke kindly, and tried to atone for her ill-temper.
And to-day have been in a crispation of energy and ill-temper, raking my wretched mail together.
The lieutenant turned his horse, and, followed by his bodyguard, rode home in a very ill temper.
We have tried to make this article temperate, fair and free from ill temper and ill feeling.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.