noun as in bad mood
Example Sentences
It was completely quiet except for the whir of my cassette and the huff of my own breathing, my bike rolling over the slickrock and striated sandstone.
Meanwhile, Godzilla leaves Florida in a huff and makes his way to Hong Kong, on the way encountering King Kong, who is being transported to a Hollow Earth portal by boat.
Walking out in a huff would be rude, which is why you will be discovering unavoidable conflicts, for which you will apologize on your way out the door.
With that, he took a huff off a morning joint and moved into the throng of jovial patrons.
So we salute you, Mr. Fielder, even as we continue to huff and puff at the gym in pursuit of those rippling ridges.
In response, Smith quit the party in a huff that July, trashing it as insufficiently principled on his way out the door.
In elementary school, children will disagree and fight, then storm away in a huff and simply ignore each other.
Her grandmother, Elisabeth Huff, saw her last week, at her birthday party.
Their capital was limited and Mr. Young gave Mr. Huff his note for seven thousand dollars for a half interest in the business.
Oh, no, he went off in a terrible huff because the girls laid their plans before him and told him what they were going to do.
And the Colonel was so devoted to her, he might go off in a huff as poor Job Manning had done, and stand it out to the bitter end.
He's gone off in a huff about something; never mind, luncheon comes up all the same.
Patrick may perhaps fume and get into a huff about it, but who cares for Patrick?
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.