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The emotional exorcism is a product of everyday life’s annoyances, of decades of intimate relationship with family, and of exasperation with, simply, the way things are.

Carlee Simon, the superintendent of Alachua County Public Schools, expressed exasperation over the new rules.

In the early 1990s, a group of political scientists observed with barely concealed exasperation that birth order had been “linked to a truly staggering range of behaviors.”

From Time

It was a no-nonsense sort of afternoon for Ewing, the former New York Knicks star who expressed some mild exasperation at being asked to show identification in his old arena.

Emails and letters obtained by VOSD reveal that Family Health Centers has long tussled with the city over building issues, costs that weren’t covered by the city, exasperation over changing documentation requirements and city processes, and more.

Now, the exasperation on both sides is reaching a fever pitch.

“Oh, screw it,” the photographer says finally in exasperation and leaves.

Her oldest son, Abdullah, exploded with exasperation as his mother talked.

More than one such player I spoke with has voiced exasperation along the lines of, “Our party has an issue with this.”

“That was George W. Bush, this is Barack Obama” cried one veteran (Paddy Ashdown) in exasperation, but in vain.

After his recent exasperation he longed to ease his heart of a sketch, but obstinacy held him back.

He did not profit in the least by his invention; in fact, it must have brought him little but exasperation and discouragement.

But these efforts to escape from their hard and cruel masters further intensified the exasperation of the South.

Then in my exasperation I whipped a pistol out of my belt, and levelling it at him, pulled the trigger.

My exasperation with self was by no means allayed when I tripped over a stone and fell my length in a sludgy patch of swamp.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


