Example Sentences
Another strong offering is “Wave Relief,” a wall piece whose incised, blue-tinted swirls are the show’s closest thing to representational imagery.
The stuffed breast slices up with a swirl of cranberry throughout.
Because the sanding disk travels in a random elliptical motion, it won’t leave swirl patterns on surfaces and it isn’t as affected by the direction of the wood grain.
HSBC now risks being caught in deepening turmoil after a swirl of trouble over the past year amid political unrest and an economic slump in its biggest market, Hong Kong.
Of course since 2018, there’s been a swirl of new ways to go public.
Hana seeks refuge from the buzzing lights of Otome Road in a nearby café and makes another swirl with her straw.
Rumors swirl as Robert Downey Jr. confirms a return to the role that made the Marvel Universe.
Tales still swirl about the strange forest ruins and mysterious happenings that have occurred around Gedi.
Rumors swirl that pay equity or her management style are to blame.
Thousands of people are posting videos on YouTube while they gargle and swirl oil in their mouths.
But here was one mighty wave that was always itself, and every fluted swirl of it, constant as the wreathing of a shell.
He knew that Myra had been carried this way and that in the great, cruel, indifferent swirl that was life.
What if the dust did swirl up in blinding sheets from the south?
The swirl of the current swept him into the shallower stream below.
He was trapped in a blinding swirl of radiance, with darkness above it.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.