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noun as in complication

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A state senator might have to describe the intricacies of a legislative victory at the statehouse to donors and voters, while a veteran can talk about the places they served and the lessons they learned in the military.

If a company or brand wants to go global, it must understand the intricacies of where and how consumers browse, realizing that true optimization must consider content consumption trends, and regional device or browser differences.

At the Statehouse, he immersed himself in the intricacies of the state’s legal affairs.

“As always, the video currently circulating does not capture all the intricacies of a highly dynamic incident,” Pete Deates, president of the Kenosha police union, said in a statement.

From Fortune

While the intricacies and ever-changing nature of search means there is more competition for attention from your customers, it also means there is more opportunity.

Wandering around, we were fascinated by the sheer intricacy of the set.

Well, his love of the intricacy of puzzles finally lies at the core of his art.

If I selected lucid and simple extracts, they would give no idea of the intricacy and prolixity of Duns.

As with all nineteenth-century history, the extent, the variety, and the intricacy of the various sources are simply overwhelming.

He foresaw that he had a case of unusual intricacy before him, and he was thinking how he should deal with it.

The great number and intricacy of these objects confuse the senses and do not permit the eye to rest.

It owed its security entirely to its remote position and the intricacy of the channel leading to it.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


