Example Sentences
Perhaps certain gene networks and signaling molecules act as individuals at the level of the cell, while others are spread out between cells.
Strikingly, if the flies are fed antioxidants that neutralize these molecules, it does not matter if they never sleep again.
They might perfume the air by releasing small molecules that smell like a whiff of strawberries, perhaps.
As water heats up, individual water molecules move faster and faster.
Ions — molecules that have a charge — move between these electrodes in a material called an electrolyte.
Each type of atom and molecule has its own unique spectrum, according to the rules of quantum mechanics.
Specifically, it targets a molecule called VEGF that sends signals that promote the growth of blood vessels.
And those examples are a molecule in the atom bomb of the Internet.
Every fructose molecule in sucrose, in contrast, is bound to a glucose.
A molecule of carbon dioxide traps heat, radiant heat, the long wave end of the spectrum.
Pete, after spewing the last hateful molecule away, reversed his tiny fibre engines, and began to draw in.
Does not the soul which animates us endure by the same right as each molecule of oxygen or nitrogen or iron?
The foreign protein is changed by splitting its molecule into its simplest parts and then recombining them in the desired form.
Each molecule of silver chromate forms two silver ions when it is ionized.
This brings selenophene more akin to pyrrole than thiophene, but the group -NH- in the molecule of pyrrole is an auxochrome.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.