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noun as in end

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That puts us at the mercy of every tech platform and app maker that is fighting for precious shards of our attention.

From Axios

He and his colleagues at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics had gathered shards of dolomite eroded from a cliff face on the Hármashatárhegy mountain in Budapest.

Workers wore safety goggles to protect their eyes from the shards of metal that blew in their faces.

Those powdery bits are like “broken shards of glass,” notes Mihály Horányi.

If your armor is almost gone, use the shoulder mounted flamethrower to turn a damned soul into a fountain of green armor shards.

From Time

A couple weeks ago, I found a pea-sized shard of shrapnel from a past attack in a parking lot.

Shard glass from the historic church was recently donated to the museum, which is scheduled to open in 2015.

The Brooklyn Bridge, London's Shard, Notre Dame—each structure is an expedition waiting to happen.

One person who wasn't impressed by Prince Andrew's abseil down the Shard: writer Grace Dent.

Here's Prince Andrew abseiling down the Shard in London earlier this week.

He picked up a shard of rubidium that served as a paper weight and toyed with it.

Shard bent his eyes sharply on Ralph, and once more the boy felt uncomfortable.

Captain Shard gathered up his reins, nodded carelessly, and went off down the street in a small cloud of dust.

Shard was smiling seductively, though his gaze seemed hard and penetrating.

Apparently Sparrow crossed somewhere about the present Shard Bridge.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


