


Definition for rigorous
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Thanks to our rigorous hourly backup process, our moderators were able to erase the damage and restore the campus quickly.

Surrogate sires would be classified as gene-edited animals by the Food and Drug Administration, meaning they’d face a rigorous approval process before their offspring could be sold for human consumption.

Instead of its typical rigorous review, the US Food and Drug Administration would give tests and treatments a different kind of temporary clearance to get them on the ground as soon as possible.

From Quartz

The real camera, called Mastcam-Z, has been through weeks of rigorous testing and calibration, and is probably up to the task.

Different businesses will require different levels of website performance, and rigorous multivariate testing helps marketers to see what online features offer varied results for users.

But Olds did more than build Nurse-Family Partnership; he did the rigorous evaluation to prove it would work.

All of this requires rigorous self-examination: When you can be anything you want to be, what do you want to be?

She had all the pressure of people in the spotlight and was unbelievably rigorous about keeping it real.

Turning the tide of the epidemic, he says, will require “rigorous contact, tracing, and quarantining.”

They are tight exercises in genre filmmaking, both formally rigorous and emotionally involving.

It is evident that the literal and rigorous practice of the Divine morality of the Christians would lead nations to ruin.

It is probable that parental and filial affection (piets) made this hardship less rigorous than it now seems to us (32, 33).

It has also been suggested that custom and piets had made this condition less rigorous than it seems to us.

Winston is rigorous in requiring what is due to his position—is, in some respects, a fearful formalist.

See p. 15 for a more rigorous statement concerning the volume.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


