adjective as in extremely careful
Example Sentences
He had noticed that some of his patients tended to get cavities at very high rates, even though they were absolutely scrupulous about brushing and flossing, and other patients did basically nothing and they got no cavities at all.
These kinds of human details are hard to get and we have to be absolutely scrupulous about our facts in what we say.
Critics such as Sean Wilentz have called out the MacArthur Fellowship “Genius Grant” recipient’s published piece as “a scrupulous regard for factual accuracy,” while former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich called it “brainwash.”
To us, that’s even more reason to wash the glass between renters, not to mention that the entrance to a deck with a sea view is likely to be a “high touch” area in need of scrupulous cleaning.
I have paid scrupulous attention to all of the public health recommendations, and have done as asked.
Nonetheless, the test pilots, both known to be scrupulous in their preparations, felt confident enough to go.
The less scrupulous have made financial hay out of a diagnosis that promises easy access to stimulants.
Imagine what General Electric and Bank of America and Exxon Mobile and every less-than-scrupulous business in America will do.
I was not good, not even scrupulous, but I had no idea of deceiving either myself or Tessie.
And with one Yuletide exception, this scientifically scrupulous view has carried the day.
Keen and canny, they drive a close bargain but, scrupulous and conscientious, fulfil it faithfully.
The labor in pressing and twisting is entirely done by hand, and attended to with the most scrupulous care.
Had I not known him, I should have seen in the scrupulous part in his hair a suggestion of the foppish.
Mr. Giles, dressed with scrupulous care in a full suit of black, was in attendance upon them.
He is too scrupulous to seek to seduce the wife of another; he even fears to contract an illicit intimacy with a maid or a widow.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.