

View definitions for choosy


adjective as in fussy, discriminating

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Workers get to be more choosy, and the onus is on employers to show how they make their employees feel safe, appreciated and respected.

As a result, software professionals have the luxury of being very choosy about where they work and usually command big salaries.

When it comes to guarding your privacy online, your first instinct might be to protect your content—by being careful what you write and choosy about what’s in the images you post.

However, the picture might not be the only thing that suffers if you aren’t choosy about your new outdoor TV.

Now there are two people looking for work for every job opening—so employers are going to be choosy about who they’re hiring.

From Fortune

His appetite is more picky-and-choosy than it used to be; and by these signs I can tell something is on his mind a-preying.

However, the girls were choosy and not all soldiers were welcomed.

Domestic firms face much less competition, on the one hand, and less choosy clients, on the other hand.

Still and all, after you been warmin' the extra bench for a month one can't be choosy.

The effect was rather rough-dried, but we were not in a position to be choosy.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


