adjective as in monotonous, dull
Example Sentences
In 2018, Kristen Miller, a high school social studies teacher from Cleveland, had an uneventful pregnancy for the first two trimesters—“textbook perfect,” she said.
He has been shaping the story of his life over 100 major championships now, and there hasn’t been a single boring or uneventful chapter.
A frenetic, demanding action score accompanies nearly every minute of every episode, as if allowing us a moment’s silence might reveal that most of what’s happening onscreen is actually uneventful.
The injections were utterly uneventful, but there was still drama.
Though the vast majority were uneventful, some showed isolated issues.
The interaction between Obama and Corker was a tense moment in the otherwise uneventful meeting.
Most patients recover after an unpleasant but relatively uneventful period of sickness.
Not terrible, not brilliant, not good, but amiable, uneventful, inoffensive.
As episodes of this particular series go, “Granite State” seemed relatively uneventful.
Our launch was deemed uneventful even though I thought my heart would leap out of my chest with excitement.
How often she had remembered that day as an era; the beginning of the best things in her uneventful life!
Helen Ervin's life in a private school for girls at San Francisco had been uneventful until her graduation.
Seventeen uneventful years had passed and had streaked Georgie Haggard's abundant chestnut locks with grey.
The rapidly shortening days seemed longer instead, so uneventful and wearisome were they.
Of my uneventful voyage, of the happy and successful quest, there is little to relate.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.