adjective as in prevailing
Example Sentences
Just as for the Si2 technologies, we must now ensure that they enter the mainstream market.
Fortnite, Animal Crossing, Roblox and Among Us have swept mainstream culture to the point where even non-gamers know them well — reaching a kind of mainstream success rarely seen before.
Hans Noel and Jonathan Chait both wrote pieces about how mainstream Republicans would essentially learn to live with the antidemocratic elements of their party.
He published numerous non-pornographic mainstream periodicals.
As streaming has become more mainstream, people are increasingly open to subscribing to multiple streaming services.
Many Jewish women have been accepted as conventional, mainstream hot.
More mainstream Republicans, Rubio chief among them, disagreed.
For OK Go, the four-piece band from Chicago, mainstream success started with eight treadmills and a choreographed dance routine.
It was promoted on what might be called not-quite-mainstream or, indeed, axe-to-grind media.
All the while they racked up favorable coverage in the mainstream press, and even more sycophantic mentions in the gay press.
In the mainstream of Grouse Creek the highest percentage taken was 19.27 near the mouth at station G-1.
Longnose gar were abundant in the mainstream of the Big Blue River but usually evaded capture.
The stoneroller was usually abundant at upstream stations and was found in the mainstream of the Wakarusa River.
The effect of the drought on stream-flow at the mainstream gaging station 2.1 miles south of Lawrence is presented in Table 1.
The flathead catfish comprises a small but consistent part of the sport fishery of the Wakarusa, especially in the mainstream.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.