noun as in cultivated plants, flowers
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Example Sentences
Although it might seem like garden variety sweat, it’s different from the watery eccrine type.
Tapping into walled garden data is critical for advertisersThe ability to capture first-party customer data is perhaps the most significant benefit for advertisers.
If the weather’s good and you have access to a garden or a park nearby, take your workout outside—grass doesn’t need a thorough de-stink after your air squats.
They’re not a social-media platform—connections are made, but often it’s through linking to other digital gardens, or gathering in forums like Reddit and Telegram to nerd out over code.
So far, they’ve set up 217 hubs across the country and reached an estimated 10,000 gardens, Kleinman says.
Tend to your own garden, to quote the great sage of free speech, Voltaire, and invite people to follow your example.
But they had not quit and here they now were as the Emerald Society Pipes and Drums came into the Garden.
No sign of any North Koreans, just lots of common, or garden, internet cybercriminals.
After all, you prepare your home, car, garden and other things for the seasonal change, so why not your body?
Miyazaki is frank in his interviews with Sunada, whom he allows to tag along to his studio, his garden, and his private atelier.
It ended on a complaint that she was 'tired rather and spending my time at full length on a deck-chair in the garden.'
Ten minutes later, veiled and cloaked, she stepped out alone into the garden.
It goes without saying that Ferns of all kinds are interesting plants to grow in the garden and house.
Of course it is only the hardiest Ferns which can be expected to grow well in the town garden.
In such conditions many kinds which do not flourish very freely in the open garden, grow into handsome specimens.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.