
View definitions for shiver


verb as in shake, tremble

verb as in shatter; break into small pieces

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By correlating a seismic event on one side of the world with the shiver it produces on the other, scientists infer what happened in between.

Threats to Taiwan, the self-governing island only slightly bigger than Maryland, are sending shivers through the global tech industry.

From Axios

There’s a hint of feminism in both books, and they’ll both give you shivers for months after you finish them.

It’s hard not to feel a shiver of apprehension for her as she walks, alone, down a long country road to knock on the door of a man who’s been avoiding her interview requests for years.

Lauren Graham does beautiful things with her voice through the whole show, but the way she says, “Hey there, birthday girl,” with a hopeful, hesitant shiver in her tone, is a killer.

From Vox

You know, a novel comes not from a decision but a frisson, a sort of shiver that goes through you.

When pressed on who he thought killed Kennedy, Nixon “would shiver and say, ‘Texas,’” said Stone.

I remember being shocked that Shiver sold in 38 countries, because I thought it was such a particularly “me” story.

The friction of those little strings still makes my skin shiver, but when in Rome… head to Malika.

For Americans of a certain age, these words, even in our cynical time, yield a shiver of nostalgia, but also of purpose.

Presently he began to shiver so, with some sort of a chill, that I took off my coat and wrapped it round him.

Still a-shiver at dawn, I saddled up and loped for the crest of the nearest divide to get the benefit of the first sun-rays.

Alfaretta's face assumed a look of great solemnity and a shiver of real fear ran over her.

It sent a shiver through me, and even old Piegan stood aghast at the malevolent determination of the man.

To his lifes end Tchaikovsky could never recall this hour without a shiver of horror.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


