noun as in easy thing to accomplish
verb as in separate, break
verb as in bite, seize
Example Sentences
They were snapped before the spacecraft officially began collecting science data.
That proved useful in early 2019, when SubX forecasts foresaw, weeks before it happened, the severe cold snap that hit the United States in late January and early February.
People stuck at home have been snapping up them up while the number of the consoles produced has tumbled because of shuttered factories.
The scientists used the Very Large Telescope in Chile to snap the photo.
He trekked to a mountaintop in Wyoming with a special camera to snap polarized pictures of the corona just as the moon blocked the sun.
There is just no way of selling this picture with an innocent defense like, “she just asked for a snap.”
For days, the ruble has been falling and salaries shrinking; shoppers have rushed to snap up TV sets and washing machines.
After curing the elderly of their semi-suicidal depression, winning the White House must seem like a snap.
That Snapchat deceptively told its users that the sender would be notified if a recipient took a screenshot of a snap.
It means to be all the things that the individuals he turns into storytellers on Snap naturally are, in all their marginality.
Then he closed the spring with a snap, and she let him pass the chain over her hand once more.
You know the fable about the dog who dropped his meat in the water, trying to snap at its reflection?
It was the only thing I needed to snap my last tie with England and brace me for the struggle in America.
The only thing for you to do is to snap your fingers at everything, as we do out here, and see nothing in the future but success.
He gave to every syllable the value of a rap and certain words he terminated with an audible snap of his teeth.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.