verb as in destroy completely
Example Sentences
The other portion would be to annihilate hunger shortly before going to sleep.
The team knew that matter and antimatter annihilate each other when they meet.
These antistar candidates seem to give off the kind of gamma rays that are produced when antimatter — matter’s oppositely charged counterpart — meets normal matter and annihilates.
A woman with the self-possession to identify what she wants — and the nerve to go after it — was seemingly most easily understood as a function of derangement, annihilating narcissism or both.
She might be watching from 565 miles away, but she’s got a Sweet 16 to follow with hope, a son annihilating expectations and a No.
The J in its name actually stands for Jian—annihilate, eliminate.
“Thirty minutes alone with a man is enough for him to annihilate you,” she remarks, knowingly.
Finally there was the atomic bomb (and the Cold War it created): machine threatened to annihilate all of mankind.
He then went on to compare us to Amalek, the Biblical nation that God commands the Jews to annihilate.
The consequences of the repeated failed attempts to annihilate Israel should and will be reflected in the final status.
To pretend that God can be offended with the actions of men, is to annihilate all the ideas that are given to us of this being.
They are the spontaneous enemies of truth because they justly apprehend it will annihilate their pretensions.
Does crossing the sea change or annihilate the churchmanship of the missionary, or the passenger, or the emigrant?
It compelled the foe to abandon Heilsberg, but it did not annihilate him or necessarily end the war.
The army he had hoped to annihilate was on its steady and orderly march for Richmond.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.