verb as in restrain, hold in check
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Hysteria in women, another excuse to suppress their sexuality, became shell-shock for men.
The goal of eliminating every smallpox case in the world, rather than just suppressing the virus, sounded implausibly lofty.
In December, The Post revealed a series of Huawei-linked surveillance products that were marketed as being able to suppress potential protests or predict individuals’ ethnicities.
Efficacy is a consideration for patients whose underlying cancer or treatment suppresses their immune systems.
In the movie, Wendy tells us the drug “suppressed my appetite and gave me all the chemical courage I thought I needed.”
Ironic, since it was originally meant to suppress sugar lust.
But not even the threat of death can suppress the urge to live vicariously through Jack Dawson and James Bond.
And, according to some research, higher insulin levels have been shown to suppress fat metabolism by up to 22 percent.
The AG and his allies have claimed that voter ID laws suppress black votes.
In the 21st century, however, we suppress the magic of it and succumb to the fear of it.
I do not know how things are in America but in England there has been a ridiculous attempt to suppress Bolshevik propaganda.
A cry I was quite unable to suppress escaped me, and the creature turned on the instant and stared at me with baleful eyes.
I cannot suppress the sharp reply that springs to my lips: "The low servant girl is as good as you."
I could die now, but they would suppress my explanation, and the People thus remain ignorant of my aim and purpose.
Suppress with a single blow all the poetry in verse, or else speak with esteem of those who possess the secrets.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.