close down
verb as in ban
verb as in fail
verb as in halt
Strongest matches
verb as in shut
verb as in wind up
Example Sentences
The studio took him at his word and jumped at the chance to close down, or at least reduce, his costly operation.
She said she believes Wilson acted in self-defense, but if she were convinced otherwise, she would close down her support group.
If we cannot agree on democratic principles, we might as well close down the OAS.
As it was, his attempt to close down the stews met with no success.
Then, about 15 years in, things start to close down and become more centralized.
The wind is howling, and the rain is pelting against the parlour windows of the Banking-house, whose blinds are drawn close down.
Close down under the knee of the standing Rameses is the figure of a plump woman, his favourite wife, Nefertari.
They came close down in small parties to the settlement and burnt several houses, driving in thousands of inhabitants.
Only when Betty put her ear close down to the trembling lips could she hear the words.
It won't be about his coat, nor yet his hat, unless he puts it close down under my nose.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.