adjective as in noteworthy
Strongest matches
adjective as in prominent
adjective as in vital
adjective as in weighty
Example Sentences
That message was underlined this weekend as well when the United States began sending arms directly to Kurdish Peshmerga forces.
In Chicago, the Alliance underlined the importance of holding free and fair Parliamentary and Presidential Elections in Georgia.
Nadya also underlined that Katya had never told them about this reason for changing the lawyers.
In fact, it was this very vagueness that underlined the success.
And then all this gets underlined and italicized by a portentously romantic score.
He attached great importance to my direct evidence, and we underlined the parts I was to be particularly strong upon.
Her long lashes brushed her cheek; she drew a kind of isolation from the way her manner underlined the office.
Additional features will appear if you hover or click (changed sections only) on the underlined text.
The diary he gave back to Anna; but, unobserved by her, he cut out the page on which were the words underlined.
External links are underlined like this; support for them depends on the device and program used to display this eBook.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.