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Humans have an almost unbounded set of skills and knowledge, and quickly learn new information without needing to be re-engineered to do so.

As a practical matter, this gives police nearly unbounded discretion to pull over any driver, any time they choose.

From Time

The pessimism over the real-world impacts of apps and social media has turned into unbounded hope—at least among the tech elite and the venture capital investor class—that new technologies will solve our problems.

After Freud, the ocean came to denote unbounded inner space, whether that sense of limitlessness formed around a spiritual consciousness or otherwise.

In his own words, his success resulted from “the love of science and unbounded patience in long-reflecting over any subject.”

From Time

His unbounded generosity won for him the admiration of all his race, who graciously recognized him as their Maguinoó.

For a time the entire railway system in the north was under his p. 14control, and the confidence reposed in him was unbounded.

His cheerfulness was unbounded, and it was matched by his goodness of heart, his broad charity, and common sense.

His pride in his family—such as the family was—was great, and his affection for his young mistress unbounded.

Mosheim, writing before the middle of the century, spoke of the 'unbounded liberty' of religious thought which existed in England.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


