


Definition for sell
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On Earth, claiming that an environment is lifeless is a tough scientific sell.

Big Tech has made that a hard sell in America, simply because the companies have created so much value for consumers.

At the full retail price of $249, these can be a tough sell.

So it wasn’t a hard sell when the North Face asked Chin, who has been sponsored by the company for 20 years, to colead its new Explore Fund Council.

This will be a hard sell for many minorities who already have low homeownership rates, in large part because of housing discrimination.

The Dallas Cowboys sell out their state-of-the art football stadium.

As more people come online, the most basic tasks—such as going out to the market to sell produce—will become more efficient.

Along the Prado they used to sell slaves on the auction block, too.

As for the political class, I doubt I need to give you a very hard sell on its failure.

Question 9: If the female captive was impregnated by her owner, can he then sell her?

He couldn't sell them; he couldn't burn them; he was even compelled to insure them, to his intense disgust.

Those four pictures—I would not sell those four Watteaus for one hundred thousand francs.

He thought these things over carefully and finally decided that he would sell them himself.

For an Indian to sell a horse and wagon in the San Jacinto valley was not an easy thing, unless he would give them away.

For us to take her place it became necessary for us to loan before we could sell and buy.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


