adverb as in unjustly
Strongest matches
adverb as in incorrectly
Strongest matches
Weak matches
Example Sentences
Everybody that watched that video knows what happened was wrong, knows that that went far too far, and that that officer needs to be held accountable for his actions, and I believe he will be.
On the tax front, a court ruled in July that Apple did nothing wrong.
Oliver was “wrong on Amazon” which offers a “safe, quality work environment in our facilities,” he tweeted.
All of this raises the question of what went wrong with these blockchain companies.
Even if a lot of things go wrong, the banks can still deliver for investors.
He said he has been wrongly accused of defrauding the U.S. government.
And why would the Innocence Project, an esteemed group dedicated to freeing the wrongly imprisoned, have framed an innocent man?
When voters think things are going wrong, they figure out—rightly or wrongly—which party to blame.
Editor's Note: An earlier version wrongly attributed Whole Foods' statement to Eden Foods.
Thus, there is potential for women to be wrongly charged under this new law, even if they were taking legally obtained drugs.
Than bad he hym syn erthe was so lyte; F. Than bad he hym see the erthe that is so lite (wrongly).
So Gg.; rest The goos, the duk, and the cukkowe also (wrongly; see next line).
Fulle blisfully they synge and endles ioy thei make (wrongly); Gg.
Rightly or wrongly, I am for union against disunion, for collective ownership against private ownership.
His friend Naude, however, declares that the expressions used by Campanella were wrongly interpreted as revolutionary.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.