

View definitions for ineffectively


adverb as in inefficiently

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If they continue down that path in the coming months they will risk being seen as robotic and ineffective.

From Fortune

Housing experts say it’s premature to declare Faulconer’s reform efforts ineffective.

Not only is it awkward and ineffective, but it would also be dangerous to risk his safety and be ill-prepared for the job at hand.

They realized that amorphous goals of “slowing the spread” or “flattening the curve” had been ineffective in mustering public support for the stringent mitigation measures that would be necessary to contain the virus.

From Vox

If patients take ineffective drugs that amount to little more than sugar pills, their chronic conditions could spiral out of control.

The double standard of sexualization is hypocritical at best and ineffectively vindictive at worse.

After the usual means for resuscitation had been ineffectively tried, her heart was laid bare.

We replied ineffectively, for we had no means of dislodging them, nor did the cavalry when they came up.

Yet a few yards to Yeobright's left, on the open heath, how ineffectively gnashed the storm!

The French replied from some old guns on the hills as well as three shots from the Zelie, but ineffectively.

The imbecile sounds stopped, but the lips worked ineffectively again.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


