adverb as in insufficiently
Example Sentences
A recent article in Entrepreneur magazine listed “inadequate testing” as the top reason why startups fail.
He also expects unsourced rumors of inadequate safety procedures at local polling places.
For the federal government to put it on the states to protect workers is wholly and fundamentally inadequate.
She said the Mnuchin proposal remains inadequate, and said she could not accept something that the administration can’t even sell to the Senate.
Cetron told colleagues in an email that the industry’s plan was inadequate, given the “sardine can density” of these ships, records show.
I don't think that answer is obvious, even if we concede that the Bangladeshi government is inadequately responsive.
The aggregate of individual decisions, each of which is rational, yields an inadequately trained workforce.
Obama has stabilized the economy and revived it, inadequately.
In fact they only serve to make clear how inadequately I appreciated the moment when it was here.
I replied honestly but inadequately, feeling momentarily disoriented myself.
The fleet responded somewhat spasmodically, if not inadequately, to these calls.
But life is short for such agreeable exercises, so this chapter must inadequately proceed.
I would open another school to train women to every kind of trivial service, now clumsily or inadequately performed by men.
Here too we find that the emotions and feelings associated with the reproductive instinct may be inadequately developed.
With respect to danger of injury, in a large proportion of places there is unguarded or inadequately guarded machinery.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.