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Merchandising proprietary audience segments, custom segmentation — and even standard segments via agency trading desks and DSPs — matches how brands want to transact, three decades into the digital advertising revolution.

From Digiday

So it’s allowing us to expand our customer base by being relevant in the way that they’re looking to discover and ultimately transact.

Over the past week, the Treasury Department has proposed a rule that would require banks and exchanges like Coinbase to verify the identity of so-called unhosted devices and software wallets that can transact in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

From Fortune

The new app is redesigned around “relationships,” meaning it puts the friends and businesses people transact with most frequently front and center.

From Fortune

The way we transact with each other and conduct business has changed a lot in the last 10 years.

You and I may transact our daily cash business in singles, $5s, $10s, and the occasional $20.

A call therefore to transact any business that may be legally presented is not sufficient.

It is only to transact some higher business that even Apollo dare play the truant from Admetus.

The difficulty of the end is the mass of matter to be attended to, and the small time left to transact it in.

As it was Monday, however, there were no papers, and consequently there was no business to transact.

That agents be sent over in six months, fully instructed to answer and transact what was undetermined at that time.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


