


Definition for prosperity
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In the short term, this could mean a comeback in 2021, boosting Bilgram’s chances of sharing his liquor across the country and continuing to take part in the burgeoning prosperity that lured him here.

From Ozy

We have to rebuild our economy so that it creates more prosperity, for more people, and ensures that American workers can compete in an increasingly competitive global economy.

From Quartz

Leading thinkers like Francis Fukuyama touted the benefits of globalization, saying it would bring democracy and prosperity to the developing world.

From Time

Then, that burst of prosperity after the second world war, termed the Great Acceleration, and our stuff increased several-fold to a little over half a trillion tons by the end of the century.

You battled the back stabbers & our enemies & remade the world in peace & prosperity.

Prior to that, he spent years as a vice president at the influential conservative non-profit Americans for Prosperity.

Americans for Prosperity (AFP), funded by the Koch Brothers, has multiple Pinocchios for its ads, mainly for distorting Obamacare.

So enter billionaires two and three: Charles and David Koch and their Americans for Prosperity group.

Prosperity, Herodotus reminded us, “never abides long in one place.”

Diana G. Carew is an economist and director of the Young American Prosperity Project at the Progressive Policy Institute.

Prosperity is a good thing, but you, at least, know what he has aimed at stands high above that.

Prosperity seems to have been the blessing of the Old Testament, as adversity was the blessing of the New.

Prosperity is with the large circulations, and a large circulation is no test of merit.

He treated Prosperity as if it were a local issue, instead of a plank in the National Platform.

It gets a man to Prosperity Landing in a hurry, providing he doesn't hit anything bigger than he is.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


