noun as in improvement
Weak match
Example Sentences
They heroically committed their lives to the betterment of our nation, only to be met with longstanding policies barring them from service or forcing them to conceal who they are.
So, you can’t give up, you’ve got to keep trying to deal with improvement and betterment.
Richard is a nephew of physician and family patriarch Arthur Sackler, who in family lore was dedicated to the betterment of humankind but who, in Keefe’s account, comes off rather less charitably.
Flattening the curve requires Americans to all take fairly uniform actions — wearing masks, not gathering — for the betterment of the whole of society.
For the betterment of performance, I recommend trying to identify ways to get out of learning mode, even if it means finding creative ways to expand targeting while still remaining relevant.
I think what we want and what we need is to be part of the system, and change it for the betterment of our people.
Asked to predict how they would fare in five years, Brazilians graded their chances for betterment at 9.2 on a scale of 10.
I consider it biological gonzo journalism in pursuit of the ultimate story—the betterment of my own health.
The Accrington Public Library was a fully stocked library built out of stone on the values of an age of self-help and betterment.
“On the Limits of Self-Improvement”Vanity Fair, October 2007 There's an entire micro-economy based on the pursuit of betterment.
And our views of poverty and social betterment, or what is possible and what is not, are still largely conditioned by it.
Social betterment must depend at every stage on the force of public spirit and public morality that inspires it.
Every cent that is spent upon the betterment of the population will come back, sooner or later, as two.
These are personal hygiene, selection of healthy mates, and the betterment of the environment.
Nor are we fond of hearing the English-speaking peoples talking about "the betterment of all mankind."
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.